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Webtools Sitemap addon

👀 Info

This Webtools addon was originally a standalone plugin published to NPM as strapi-plugin-sitemap. To read the old docs, please refer to the standalone plugin github repo.

✨ Features

  • Multilingual (Implements rel="alternate" with @strapi/plugin-i18n)
  • URL bundles (Bundle URLs by type and add them to the sitemap XML)
  • Virtual sitemap (Sitemaps served from the database)
  • Cron regeneration (Automatically scheduled cron job for regeneration)
  • Sitemap indexes (Paginated sitemap indexes for large URL sets)
  • Exclude URLs (Exclude specified URLs from the sitemap)
  • Custom URLs (URLs of pages which are not managed in Strapi)
  • CLI (CLI for sitemap generation)
  • Styled with XSL (Human readable XML styling)