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🔌 Command line interface (CLI)

Add the config-sync command as a script to the package.json of your Strapi project:

"scripts": {
// ...
"cs": "config-sync"

You can now run all the config-sync commands like this:

yarn cs --help

⬆️ Import ⬇️ Export

Command: import Alias: i

Command: export Alias: e

These commands are used to sync the config in your Strapi project.


yarn cs import
yarn cs export

Flag: -y, --yes

Use this flag to skip the confirm prompt and go straight to syncing the config.

[command] --yes

Flag: -t, --type

Use this flag to specify the type of config you want to sync.

[command] --type user-role

Flag: -p, --partial

Use this flag to sync a specific set of configs by giving the CLI a comma-separated string of config names.

[command] --partial user-role.public,i18n-locale.en

Flag: -f, --force

If you're using the soft setting to gracefully import config, you can use this flag to ignore the setting for the current command and forcefully import all changes anyway.

[command] --force

↔️ Diff

Command: diff | Alias: d

This command is used to see the difference between the config as found in the sync directory, and the config as found in the database.


yarn cs diff

Argument: <single>

Add a single config name as the argument of the diff command to see the difference of that single file in a git-style diff viewer.


yarn cs diff user-role.public